USSSA Officials
At its 52nd annual convention, USSSA introduced several fastpitch rule changes for the 2020 season. They are effective January 1, 2020 and will be revised in the online rule book.
Our rule book is now on a two year print cycle and this is the off year. These changes are made to the online version of the rule book. They are generally made to clarify previous revisions, or to enhance safety.
PITCHER’S FOOT PLACEMENT – this change eliminates the requirement that a pitcher must have part of her pivot foot on top of the pitcher’s plate. The rule will now only require the pivot foot to be in contact with the plate.
It also allows the pitcher to start with the non-pivot (“stride”) foot in contact with or behind the plate and allows the pitcher to step back with the non-pivot foot, provided the step-back begins prior to starting the pitch by separating the hands.
This change aligns pitcher’s feet placement with the major rule books in youth softball having a unified pitching rule.
This is a ‘win-win’ for all the stakeholders. Nobody who has been pitching legally under existing rules will have to change their pitching style unless they want to, but pitchers who want to pitch using styles legal in college and high school will also be compliant.
Additionally, those who administer our events, such as directors and umpires should have less confusion to deal with due to this rule alignment.
COACH SIT OUT FOR EJECTIONS – this clarifies that the sit out game for a coach who is ejected must be the next game that is actually played. A non-played game such as a forfeit does not satisfy the sit out requirement.
ENHANCED PENALTY FOR A PITCHER DELIBERATELY DROPPING OR ROLLING A BALL DURING THE PITCH – this changes the penalty to a team warning for the first offense, and player restriction/coach ejection for subsequent offenses.
BYLAW CHANGES – There were several bylaw changes made to properly reflect the current structure and administration of USSSA fastpitch and a clarification made on determining home/visitor in national championship elimination brackets. That clarification is as follows:
Bracket play - higher seed gets choice (if equal seeds, then coin flip)
Championship game - undefeated (winner’s bracket) team gets choice, regardless of seed. If necessary game - coin flip. ... See more